Company Name: Ipat Co., Ltd

Company Website:

Contact Person: Mr. Pipat Jearkparporn

Contact Number: +66888588415

Email Address: [email protected]

Company Profile :

We are Manufacturer and distributor of Nogecko : Natural Lizard and snake repellent spray from Thailand, Our product is the No.1 Best seller lizard repellent spray. Now we are selling in every supermarket in Thailand and now we expand to Singapore, Hong kong Laos and now we are looking for a professional distributor who want to distribute this product in Malaysia both offline and online.


  1. NoGecko : Natural Lizard and snake repellent spray

Type of company looking to meet in Malaysia:

  1. Distributor
  2. Retail outlet (Supermarket or Home improvement chain store)

Level of Decision maker:

  1. Purchasing Manager
  2. Import Manager
  3. Buyer

Type of relationship you are looking to establish

  1. Distributor

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