The South China Sea handles roughly USD3.37 trillion in global trade annually, crucial for multinational corporations; however, territorial disputes threaten trade routes and livelihoods dependent on its resources.



Trade & Business Matching

The Malaysia Global Business Forum has assisted companies from around the world break into the Malaysia and ASEAN markets.

The advantage that the Malaysia Global Business Forum brings to the table is we have developed the databases and the relationships over many […]

Trade & Business Matching2018-08-18T15:42:15+08:00

A Working Lunch with Nordin Featuring Dr Kavitha Muthy

This week we are exploring a critical area of concern for media practitioners with Dr Kavitha Muthy on the topic, “Digital Safety for Journalist: Combating the rising threats”


A Working Lunch with Nordin Featuring Dr Kavitha Muthy2022-03-15T01:20:49+08:00

Business Lifestyle Review: An Introduction


Welcome to the Business Lifestyle Review!

Business is about making money, it takes a certain type of person to be a business leader and business people have a certain lifestyle that includes access to the best in life. ‘The work hard play hard’ approach leaves many looking for the […]

Business Lifestyle Review: An Introduction2017-09-01T15:06:46+08:00

Russia’s Look East Policy

The recent geopolitical events in the Ukraine and Crimea resulting in the tit for tat sanctions from the United States and the European Union against Russia and the well-known Russian response have not only shifted the pieces on the board but may have started to turn in board itself, a […]

Russia’s Look East Policy2015-09-17T22:23:40+08:00

“Shaping Business Green”



“Shaping Business Green – Driving Investment”

To be an important contributor to the Green Economy, your organisation may need to re-position its targets and aspirations, your key people need greater access to profitable ideas and top level decision […]

“Shaping Business Green”2015-07-05T22:24:01+08:00

Buy Malaysia First Policy – LED Lighting

BUSINESS MATCHINGDomestically, the level of LED utilization is relatively low, as the push for a more energy efficient economy coupled with concerns for the environment, this will change.  Many end users […]

Buy Malaysia First Policy – LED Lighting2015-04-07T21:24:28+08:00

ASEAN Market Ripe for the Picking

Shaping Business Green - Driving Investment Banner

The ASEAN Market of some 600 Million consumers in recent years has grown in importance, yet many Australian companies are yet to venture into let alone take advantage of this […]

ASEAN Market Ripe for the Picking2015-04-19T00:24:24+08:00

Business Lunch

“Business Networking Lunch”

“Food Technology & Food Security in Asia-Pacific”
26th September, 2016

Al-Amar Restaurant – Sunway Putra Mall


Mature businessman working and discussing with his colleagues at office

During the World Food Summit which was held in 1996 […]

Business Lunch2016-06-02T17:31:20+08:00
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